People and the Sea

Sea Stories: Sea Wrack by Moira O’Neill

Sea wrack - the large species of seaweeds - has been collected by people all over the world for hundreds of years. Join point Moira O’Neill (the non de plume of Agnes Shakespeare Higginson) as she takes us to 19 century Ireland.

Sea Stories: The Sound Of The Sea by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The sea is in a constant state of change. From the shore, one may look in awe at it’s stillness - or it’s ferocity. Poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow takes us back to a night when the sea awoke from its slumber...

Help A Researcher Out: Reducing plastic waste in marine environments

Carolina Garza (University of Bristol) is seeking expert opinions on the effectiveness of strategies aimed at reducing plastic waste in marine environments, with a focus on Latin America.

Help A Researcher Out: The value of the UK's beaches, the sea, & their resources

Help a Researcher Out! People in the UK - share your thoughts about the value of beaches, the sea, and their resources with Adam Nixon (University of Essex).