There are seventeen intertwining Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) spanning some 169 targets, ranging from combatting world hunger to fostering peace, protecting life on land and in the sea, and building partnerships. Here, members of the Canadian Journal of Chemistry's International Advisory Board highlight just a few of how the field of chemistry is helping us rise to the challenges set by the goals and deliver on the promise to Leave No One Behind.
Help A Researcher Out: Integrated approaches to bridge the gap between science, society & policy
Lower the carbon footprint of road networks - simply by maintaining them
The Vegetarian... Carnivore?
It's not the size of the vessel that count, but how it is managed
Transitioning Away from Peak Oil
The problem is that cheap oil is running out. Here enters the concept of 'peak oil'. This doesn't mean that oil itself has run out (though oil being a finite resource it will eventually run out if we continue to deplete it indefinitely). It means that we have depleted over half of all the oil in the world.