The ocean is full of litter, and it is difficult to remove it all. So why not employ the good-will of fishers to remove some of it?
Gulf of Mexico's Ocean Dead Zones
What's wrong with Marine Protected Areas?
Living with sealions
US citizens - just how much of your waters is afforded strong protection?
Assessing global marine biodiversity status within a coupled socio-ecological perspective
So you think you know where the most likely sources of marine oil spills are?
Study highlights under-appreciated benefit of oyster restoration
Marine Protection Goals Are on Target, But Still Not Enough
US Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation & Management Act has prompted rebuilding of a number of fish stocks
Transitioning Away from Peak Oil
The problem is that cheap oil is running out. Here enters the concept of 'peak oil'. This doesn't mean that oil itself has run out (though oil being a finite resource it will eventually run out if we continue to deplete it indefinitely). It means that we have depleted over half of all the oil in the world.