Help a Researcher Out!
Emily Lowe (University of Liverpool, England) is working on the co-location of offshore wind farms and fisheries. If you are a fisher, work in the offshore wind industry, or are a professional who is knowledgeable about multi-use of the sea, she wants you to have your say.
I am currently undertaking a dissertation studying co-location of offshore wind farms and fisheries as part of my Marine Biology degree. The aim of my research is to understand why there is not more co-location between offshore windfarms and fisheries. To form part of my research I am conducting short surveys, that shouldn't take any longer than 10 minutes to complete. I have split the surveys up into three groups:
This survey is 7 questions long and should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. The basis of the survey is your opinion on whether you believe it would be possible for fishers and offshore wind farm operators to share their areas of our seas.
-Offshore Windfarm Operators
This survey consists of 7 questions which will take around 5 minutes to complete. I am asking about your opinions with regards to co-location of the seas and allowing fishers to fish within your windfarms.
This survey is aimed at professionals who work in or are knowledgeable about Multi-Use of the seas. It is a 7 question survey which will take around 10 minutes to complete. I am looking for your insight into co-location of offshore wind farms and fisheries and if they are compatible.
I am also looking for interview participants to question more on the ideas of co-location of offshore wind farms and fisheries. If you would be willing to take part in a short interview via Skype/telephone please let me know via email.
If you would like anymore information about my research please contact myself (sgelowe[at] or my supervisor Dr S Jay (sajay[at]
Please feel free to distribute this survey to anybody who may wish to respond.
(This is an anonymous survey and your participation is voluntary.)
Thank you
Emily Lowe
Credit: Emily Lowe (with permission)
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