Help A Researcher Out: Indicators of ecosystem health for conservation and restoration

Help a Researcher Out!

Start-up social enterprise White Green Blue Sustainable You is seeking your expertise to identify the most important indicator to measure and monitor ecosystem health in conservation and restoration projects. Their survey is open until January 2023.



Hello everyone,

This is a call for ecologists, conservationists, and resource managers (and subfields of all, both marine and terrestrial). We are conducting an indicator vote to measure ecosystem health in a standardized way. The main goal is to get more clarity on what the most important indicators or indicator themes are to measure and monitor ecosystem health in conservation and restoration projects.

The vote takes approximately 20 minutes, and we do not foresee any negative impacts for participants.

If you have experience in ecology and its subfields, in conservation and its subfields and/or in resource management and its subfields, please help out by voting. Our goal is to gather 1000 responses.

THE QUESTION: If you were in charge of a conservation or restoration project/initiative, which of the following indicators would you use to communicate and assess ecosystem health?

Cast your votes here:

We will share the results with anyone interested. You can email me at layla.olefs[AT] or lho[AT] for more information or to request the results.

Our deadline is Jan 2023.

Thank you to all who submit a response! It is greatly appreciated.


The views and opinions expressed by guest contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Ocean Oculus.