As a university professor, training the next generation of marine professionals is something Pinheiro is very passionate about. Education in a classroom is one thing. Hands-on experience is something else. “A long time ago, we took part for 11 years in the IOC Training Through Research Programme, supported by UNESCO, in which researchers from various countries would do a joint cruise and train onboard several hundred students, many of who are now scientists in highly reputed institutions.”
Today, “there are many training programmes all across the Atlantic, but most of them are disconnected,” explains Pinheiro. Forming part of the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance, an “ocean science diplomacy initiative uniting countries from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean,” the @SeaNetwork seeks to build connections and promote more cooperation and coordination between training initiatives.
“The idea is to bring together these training programmes, share experiences, and see how, together, we can promote more opportunities for training at sea for young people from the Atlantic,” Pinheiro, who coordinates the @SeaNetwork, explains.
After just two years, @SeaNetwork is sailing in the right direction. To date, 41 institutions, including universities, hydrographic offices, state laboratories, ocean foundations, and international programmes and platforms from 27 countries from all over the Atlantic, have become members.
Read the full story “Training initiative launched in Atlantic Ocean” at The Marine Professional.