UK Fishermen set to work cleaning up the oceans
The Fishing for Litter initiative is the brainchild of Danish-based KIMO - an international organization of local authorities who are seeking to tackle the problems of marine pollution. The idea is simple. The ocean is full of litter, and it is difficult to remove it all. So why not employ the good-will of fishers to remove some of it? And the goodwill is not in short supply down in Cornwall, UK. Some 130 fishing boats who have signed up to the scheme have collected around 50 tonnes of litter from their fishing gear and brought it ashore for disposal by the council. Remember, many of these vessels are small and space comes at a premium. Fortunately KIMO supply large bags to help make the litter storage, and collection from the quayside by the harbour authorities easier.
To find out more about the Fishing for Litter initiative, have a look at their website.