Help A Researcher Out: The value of the UK's beaches, the sea, & their resources
Help a Researcher Out!
People in the UK - Share your thoughts about the value of beaches, the sea, and their resources with Adam Nixon (University of Essex).
My name is Adam Nixon and I’m a MSc Tropical marine biology student at the University of Essex.
As part of my master’s thesis I’ve helped create a survey with Zoological Society London (ZSL), Essex Native Oyster Restoration Initiative (ENORI) and University of Essex. The survey is looking into coastal connectedness. How much does the British public value our beaches, seas and their resources? Which of the many things that unfortunately plague our marine environments do the public see as the biggest issues? How much does the public actively try to help in marine conservation? (buying seafood sustainably, what coastal activities do they take part in… etc).
The survey will also help ENORI understand what the current knowledge is on UK native oyster restoration efforts as well as how much the public know about oysters in general.
Who do we need to fill in the survey?
We’re looking for UK residents aged 18+ (due to public data use laws & rules) from anywhere across all 4 countries. It doesn’t matter how close or far away from the coast our respondents live. We want responses from across Britain.
When do we need responses by?
For my thesis hand in date on September 16th I need as many responses as possibly by the 16th of August. This then gives me a month to do data analysis and finish the written section. However, the survey is going to stay active longer than this as ZSL, ENORI and the University of Essex wish to use the data for their work and don’t have strict time limits.
Are we creating something that will be publicly available?
The data gathered from the survey will be used in one or more studies. Starting with my master’s thesis which hopefully, if all goes well will have a chance at publication. ZSL, ENORI and University of Essex will also be using the data for their own purposes. This could be to create their own publications; help form new science based on the responses. The data could also easily be used to advise councils and governments on what the public view is in that area. Due to how many parties and individuals are involved in the survey the usage possibilities are incredibly vast. Once the survey does end the results should be published publicly by the University of Essex.
Where is the survey?
The survey is available here.
The views and opinions expressed by guest contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Ocean Oculus.