Five tips for peer-reviewing data papers
Introduction. Methods. Results. Discussion.
The typical structure of an original research paper. Known as the IMRaD format, these papers start with an Introduction section, explain the Methods, present the Results, and finish with a Discussion.
If you’ve ever peer-reviewed a paper, chances are it followed IMRaD. You assessed the paper, making sure the methods and study design are appropriate, that the analysis is sound, and that the conclusions are sound. But not all papers follow IMRaD.
We’d like to introduce you to data papers.
Data papers are scientific publications that focus on describing one or more datasets. They highlight the data and make it easily accessible to the wider scientific community and other stakeholders. They do not include any data analysis or scientific investigation.
And they do not follow IMRaD.
How do you review a data paper?
Like other works submitted to journals, data papers go through peer review. Because they’re not traditional IMRaD papers, reviewing them comes with different responsibilities.
If a request to review a data paper arrives in your inbox, here are five things to consider to assess the paper.
Read the full story here.